i'm missing HIM badly right now =(
i'm seriously need HIM to be my side now =(
There are a lot has been happening in the past few days. I have lost myself. I dont know who i am anymore. I cant seem to control my emotions…sometimes I’m happy sometimes i just breakdown but there has nvr been a passing moment which i would not think of him….
“since I’m going to improve my mandarin…..so~ as usual I’m going to use mandarin to blogging in tis time~ “
这几天不知道怎么了。。。每当一个人在家时,都变得好多东西想!!!!真的很讨厌那种feel。。。有时想着想着就会留下眼泪,每次流泪后最想能出现在我面前的人就是你。。。。but I think tis is really impossible…..haiz….
最近你参加了学校的活动,这几天你都在忙着到学校去帮忙,我们聊天的时间真的变得很少了。。。可是自己又不能太自私,只能每次对你说‘我行,我能,everything is ok…..’ 其实我能不能你自己应该都心里有数。。。。=(
i really hope that i can get over with all this unhappy things.....bcoz i'm GAN JINN HOONG^^