Thursday, July 29, 2010

there are always so many decision to make in life, u either make it right and be thankful about it or make it wrong and learn from it……..

there is no stupidity in life or relationship because it’s all needed thoughts and evaluation before you head on something..……

i have made all kinds of decision for my own life, but sometimes i question myself for things that i have chosen are they really suitable for what i have to give?????? i myself cant answer that question……..==''

i was told that i have thoughts that are beyond my age, which means matured. to be honest, who in this world would want to skip every stage n process in life but not to enjoy em as days goes by. i would love to enjoy the best age in life now. just too bad that i have choose to live a life that has to speed up a little in growing on the mind set.......haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

i guess tat is all need to have now.....coming to this country knowing it is not gonna be easy at for tis time, i guess and i think tat i am better trying hard to fill up the empty space, hoping not to hurt myself/others around me.......

cos......i understand myself tat i will oways end up doing stupid things....sometimes, in my life and let myself regret the out of it....i have believe in many things many ways TIME WILL TELL..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




since so long time i din updated my bloggies.......

when using english to make my post......


dunno wat im writing now.....

poor jyinny GAN!!!!!!

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